Here is a comprehensive list of markers by county:
- Beaver City Hydro #1 Power Plant
- Beaver City Hydro #2 Power Plant
- Beaver County Courthouse
- Beaver Opera House
- Beaver Stake Tabernacle
- Fort Cameron
- Fort Cameron – Murdock Academy
- Frisco Mine Town
- Greenville Settlement-New
- Lee’s Ranch Indian Raid
- Lincoln Mine
- Milford Centennial Time Capsule
- Milford Heritage Park
- Milford Stamp Mill
- Philo T. Farnswort
- Pioneer First Camp Ground
- Relief Society Hall
- The Beaver City Bell
- The Beaver Woolen Mills
- The Grist Mill
Box Elder:
- A Pioneer Home
- Bear River City
- Bear River City Church Steeple
- Bear River City Pioneers
- Bill of Rights
- Boise Ford
- Box Elder Academy of Music and Dancing
- Box Elder County Courthouse
- Box Elder Fort
- Box Elder LDS Tabernacle
- Brigham City Archway Sign
- Brigham City Cabin
- Brigham City Carnegie Library
- Brigham City Co-op
- Brigham City Co-op Store
- Brigham City Fire Station
- Brigham City Settlement
- Brigham Young Monument
- Bushnell Hospital/Intermt. Indian School
- Call’s Fort
- Centennial Wagon Trail Marker
- Competition, 1869
- Corinne Methodist Church (3) Markers
- Corinne Opera House
- Corinne School Bell
- Corinne-Pioneer Railroad Town
- Curlew Valley
- Cutler Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Davis Fort
- Deweyville Historic School Bell
- Donner Spring
- Early Schools
- Family of Abraham Hunsaker
- First Ward Meeting House
- Garland Carnegie Library
- Golden Spike Historic Site
- Golden Spike Monument
- Grist Mill
- Hampton’s Bear River Crossing
- Hansen Cooperative Dairy
- Historical Rail
- Honoring Men, Women and Horses
- In Honor of Jim Bridger
- Irish Railroad Workers
- John Shuman
- Kelton (Indian Creek) Heyday
- Kelton (Indian Creek) Rails
- Kelton Cemetery
- Library founded by Economic Club
- Lorenzo Snow Grave Site (2) Monuments
- Mormon Battalion Trail
- No. Willow Creek Fort
- Old Church Memorial
- Old Fort
- Original Willard Cemetary (sic)
- Park Valley Locomotive Bell
- Pioneer Care Center
- Planing Mill
- Presbyterian Centennial
- Promontory Monument (4) Markers
- Relief Society Granary
- Sagwitch Timbimboo Shoshone Chief
- Salt Lake Cutoff, Bear River Crossing
- Stephan Mather Marker
- The Big Fill & The Big Trestle
- The First Weather Station in Utah
- Three Mile Creek Site
- Tithing Office
- Union Pacific Depot
- Willard Schools
- Woolen Mill
- J. Peterson
- Cache Co. Relic Hall
- Cache County Courthouse
- Cache Valley
- Cache Valley
- Camp Hollow (2)
- First Settlers of Mendon
- George Hield Bradshaw Homestead
- Hardware Ranch
- Hjorth Molasses Mill
- Home Economics/Commons Building
- Hyde Park Pioneers
- Hydro-Electric Plant
- Hyrum First Ward Building
- Hyrum Pioneers
- Ira Merrill Monument
- James Hendericks Memorial
- James Smyth
- Joe and Inez Berger
- John H. Gibbs
- Logan Community Center
- Lyric Theatre
- Martin Harris
- Martin Harris Gravesite
- Millville
- Newton Reservoir
- Old Ephraim Bear
- Old Rock Church
- Paradise Bell Monument
- Paradise Tithing Office
- Peter Maughan
- Pioneer Church Farm
- Pioneer Home and Granary
- Pioneer Memories of 1866
- Pioneer Mills of Cache County
- Plane Crash Memorial
- Providence Church (Old Rock Church)
- Providence Pioneers
- Providence Players
- Richmond Fort
- River Heights
- Russell Maughan, First Flight
- Temple Saw Mill Monument
- The First Settlers of Logan
- The Great Fur Cache
- The Temple Fork Sawmill
- Tony Grove Ranger Station
- Unknown Pioneers
- USU Old Main
- USU President’s House
- Wellsville Pioneers/Maughan’s Fort
- Wheeler Pioneer Home and Granary
- Women’s Residence Hall (Lund Hall)
- World War II monument
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
- Bamberger Monument
- Bill Hall
- Carbon Tabernacle/Price River Valley
- Castle Gate Cemetery
- Castle Gate Mine Disaster
- Coal Man Machine
- Coal Miner
- First Meetinghouse
- Francis M. Ewell
- Geneva/Horse Canyon Mine Monument
- Grames Cabin (2) Markers
- Immigrant Monument
- Matt Warner Plaque
- Mine Car
- Miners Memorial
- Notre Dame de Lourdes
- Oldest Cabin in Price
- Pioneer Cabin
- Pleasant Valley Coal Company
- Price Municipal Building
- Rock Asphalt
- Scofield Mine Disaster
- Settlement of East Carbon
- Star Theatre
- Utah’s Coal Industry
- “We Have Named it Flaming Gorge”
- Cart Creek Firefighters Memorial
- Dowd’s Dugout Trail & Graves (2)
- Fort Dejournette
- John Jarvie Ranch
- Linwood – The Town That Drowned
- Mabel Williams Philbrick County Nurse
- Old Carter Trail
- Oscar Swett Ranch
- Strigham Cabin (2) Markers
- The Dr. Parsons Cabin
- Tri-State Survey Monument
- Uncle Jack Robinson’s Cabin
- Ute Mountain Fire Tower (2) Markers
- Academy Bell & Marker
- Alma Stoker Park
- Bernard F. Fisher
- Bliss Hall
- Bountiful Historical Monument
- Bountiful Lumber & Supply Company
- Bountiful Streetcar
- Bountiful Tabernacle
- Bountiful Water
- Brick-Making in Bountiful
- Capt. Daniel C. Davis Monument
- Centerville Pioneer Cabin
- Centerville Pioneers (4) Markers
- Clearfield Settlement
- Clinton
- Daniel C. Davis
- Daniel Davis
- Daniel Wood
- Davis County Clipper
- District School of South Bountiful
- Elias Adams, the Pioneer
- Eric Hogan Cabin BAHS Marker
- Ezra T. Clark Marker
- F-105 Marker
- Founders Park
- George Quinn McNeil
- George Washington Clawson Marker
- Heber C. Kimball
- Heber C. Kimball Gristmill
- Hector Haight Settlement on Haight’s Creek
- Helicopter Disaster Site
- Hill Aerospace Museum
- History of Ricks Creek Floods
- Hogan Pioneer Cabin
- Honoring Builders of Salt Lake Temple
- Horace A. Sorensen
- Joseph Morgan, Early Layton Pioneer
- Kaysville Presbyterian Church
- Kaysville Tabernacle
- Kilbourn-Leak House
- Layton Farmers’ Union
- Layton’s Little Fort
- Maverick Missile
- Minuteman Monument
- MK82 Paveway II Guided Bomb Display
- Old Rock Mill
- Original Gristmill Stones
- Our Desert Island Home
- Perrigrine Sessions Dugout
- Pioneer Cabin
- Pioneer Cannon
- Pioneer Cemetery
- Pioneer Village Interpretive Plaques
- Ployer P. Hill Monument
- Pony Express Centennial
- Pony Express Museum
- Primary Organized & Farmington Meeting House
- Ranching on Antelope Island
- Rockeye Cluster Bomb
- Settlement of South Weber
- Sidewinder Missle
- Stage Coach Station
- Stage Coach Station
- Stoker School
- Syracuse First Social Center
- The Bamberger
- The House Where John Taylor Died
- The Old Emigrant Road
- U.S. Army Ranger and Air Force Memorial
- Val Verda Arch
- Van Fleet Hotel
- Weapon Systems Monuments
- Weinel Mill
- West Bountiful Church
- West Layton
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- Along the Rio de San Cosme/ Dom. Esc.
- Duchesne
- Father Escalante
- First Bell
- First Indian Agency
- Lake Boreham CCC Memorial
- Lake Fork
- Moonlake
- Myton
- Over Almost Impassible Terrain
- Roosevelt
- Roosevelt Bust Monument
- Saint Rose Phillipine Duchesne
- The Bell of Neola
- The Nine Mile Road
- Together, We Have Come A Long Way
- Bert Loper
- Castle Valley Power
- Charles Winder & Caroline Mills
- Cleveland
- Connellsville
- Depression Hole Trail
- Elgin aka Green River, Add. Monuments
- Ferron Pioneers
- First Meeting House
- First Public Building
- First Settlers in Castle Dale
- Huntington Settlement
- Mohrland
- Old Ranger Station
- Old Social Hall
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail
- Spanish Trail MarkerThe Tunnel Builders
- Tithing Granary
- Wilberg Mine Disaster Monument
- Wilberg Mine Memorial
- Woodside
- Anasazi State Park
- Annie’s Orchard
- Antimony Bell
- Asay Settlement and Cemetery
- Bryce Canyon Airport
- Ebenezer Bryce Cabin
- Escalante
- First Public Building
- Georgetown Cemetery
- Hatch Ward Building and Bell
- John Doyle Lee Burial Site
- L.D.S. Tithing Office
- Loseeville
- Old White Church
- Panguitch Fort
- Panguitch Stake Tabernacle
- Panguitch Tithing Lot
- Pioneers of Antimony
- Settlement of Hatch
- Social Hall
- Tropic Pioneers
- William Prince Home
- Barrier Canyon Rock Art
- Bates E. Wilson
- Dalton Wells/CCC Camp
- Dewey Bridge
- Dr. J.W. Williams
- Dr. Paul R. Mayberry
- Early LDS Church
- Ed E. Provonsha
- Elk Mountain Mission
- Fremont Pictographs
- Grand Old Ranch House
- Halfway House Stage Stop
- John Wesley Powell Museum
- Major Powell, Colorado River Explorer
- Moab
- Moab L.D.S. Church
- Pinhook Draw Massacre
- Scott M. Matheson
- The Old Log Cabin
- Ute Rock Art
- Wolfe Ranch
- California Trail, Spanish Trail
- Cedar City Tabernacle
- Chaffin Gristmill
- D.U.P. Relic Hall
- Deseret Iron Works (2) Markers
- Ellen (Nellie) Purcell Unthank
- Enoch Schoolhouse & Tithing Office
- Escalante
- Explorers, Indians and Dominguez-Escalante
- Explorers, Indians and Dominguez-Escalante
- First Cedar Encampment
- First Faculty & Old Main (3) Markers
- First School & Council House in Iron County
- Fort Cedar
- Fort Kanarra
- Hamilton Fort
- Henry W. Lunt Roadside Park
- Iron Pioneers Flag Pole
- Jefferson Hunt Memorial
- Jesse N. Smith Home (2) Markers
- John C. Freemont (sic) Memorial
- John P. and John Lee Jones
- Johnson’s Fort
- Little Blast Furnace
- Nathan Benson Saw Mill
- Old Brickyards
- Old Comedy Hall
- Old Irontown
- Old Spanish Trail
- Page Ranch House
- Paragonah Fort
- Parowan Canyon White Ledges
- Parowan Cotton Factory
- Parowan Gap Petroglyphs (2) Monuments
- Pioneer Cabin
- Pioneer Industrial Center
- Pioneer Rock Church
- Pioneer Sundial
- Public Works
- Randall Lunt Jones
- Site of Blacksmith Shop on Spanish Trail
- South Rim of the Great BasinSylvanus Cyrus Hulet
- The Casting of The Lots
- The Founders & Old Sorrel Statue
- The Old Iron Foundry
- The Old Mill
- The Social Hall
- The Spanish Trail
- The Spanish Trail
- The Spanish Trail
- The Spanish Trail
- The Tithing Lot and Relief Society Hall
- Ward Hall
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- B.P.O.E. Block
- Boyd Springs Pony Express Station
- Burraston Ponds
- Early Schools
- Eureka City Hall
- Eureka Post Office
- Eureka Train Station
- Eureka United Methodist Church
- First Home Site
- Juab Co. Jail
- Juab County Courthouse
- Levan
- Mammoth Fire Station
- McCornick and Company Bank
- Mona Bicentennial Park
- Old Eureka Post Office
- Old Pioneer Cemetery
- Pony Express Monument
- Salt Creek Canyon Massacre
- Salt Creek Fort Wall
- Site of the Tintic Hospital
- St. Patrick’s Catholic Church
- The Bullion Beck & Champion Mining Company
- The Old L.D.S. Church Meetinghouse
- The Walker War
- Willow Springs Pony Express Station
- “Hole-in-The-Rock” Crossing
- Boy Scout Memorial
- Dance Hall Rock
- Down the Hole
- Everett Hollow Ambush
- Fort Kanab
- Glendale
- Hole-in-the-Rock
- Hole-in-the-Rock-Arch
- Isaac Behunin Pioneer
- Jacob Hamblin (#21) Fort Kanab (#115)
- Johnson Canyon Pioneer Cemetery
- Kanab ALL Woman Council and Mayor
- Kanab Pioneer Cemetery
- Long Valley, Mt. Carmel/Dr. Priddy Meeks
- Mt. Carmel School & Church
- Old Rock Schoolhouse
- Orderville Bell
- Orderville Cemetery
- Pahreah
- Paria Cemetery
- Powell Survey
- The Berry Family
- U.S. Mormon Battalion Trail # 5
- United Order Industries
- United Order Woolen Mill
- Young Women Values Garden
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- 1867 Chief Kanosh Memorial
- Capitol
- Cedar Springs Fort
- Chief Walkara
- Dominguez-Escalante
- Dominguez-Escalante
- Dominguez-Escalante Trail Post
- Dominquez-Escalante Beaver River Trail
- Escalante Trail
- Fillmore Pioneer Fort
- Fillmore’s Adobe Church
- First Hinckley School
- Fort Deseret
- Fort Deseret
- Gold Star Highway
- Great Stone Face Petroglyphs
- Gunnison Massacre (2) Monuments
- Heritage Bell
- Holden
- Kanosh
- Land of the Yuta (3) Markers
- Leamington Bell & Medallion (2) Markers
- Little Rock Schoolhouse
- McCullough Cabin and Post Office
- Millard Academy
- Oak City/The Bell (2) Markers
- Pioneer Cabin
- Scipio Town Hall
- Settlement of Meadow
- Settlement of Scipio
- Stone Monument (PTLA?), NO MARKER
- Territorial Capitol
- Topaz
- Topaz Monument (2) Markers
- Trail (Dominguez Escalante)
- Utah’s First Capitol
- Welcome to Kanosh
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- 1,000th Mile of Rail Sign
- Broad Hollow Monument
- Dixie Hollow Camp Trail Post
- Donner-Reed Camp Post
- Francis Peak, Esther Francis
- Large Spring Camp Post
- Little Cottonwood Grove Camp Post
- Little Emigration Canyon Site
- Little Emigration Canyon..To Big Mountain
- Morgan Pioneer Memorial Bldg.
- Morgan Stake Tabernacle
- Mormon Flat Monument
- Mormon Flat-Little Emigration Canyon Post
- Mormon Pioneer Nat’l Historic Trail Post
- Peter Skene Ogden/Encounter at Mt. Green
- Pioneer Cabin
- Porterville Settlement
- Spring Creek Station Post
- Thurston Peak, Thomas J. Thurston
- World War I Monument
- Marysvale
- Marysvale School Bell
- Piute County Courthouse
- The Spanish Trail
- The Spanish Trail
- Fur Traders’ Rendezvous
- John C. Gray-Randolph Tabernacle
- Meadowville Pioneer Cemetary
- Randolph
- Randolph
- Relief Society Hall (2) Markers
- The First Oregon Trail
- Tri State Survey Monument
- Wilford Woodruff
- Woodruff
Salt Lake:
- 100th Anniversary of Salt Lake Tribune
- 20 th Ward Meetinghouse
- A Private School House
- J. “Mickey” Scanlan
- A.B. Jenkins Bust
- Alfred C. Emery Building
- Anderson Grocery Store
- Anderson Tower (2) Markers
- Ann Brooks Andrus and Her Piano
- Arthur Earl Lund (3) Markers
- Assembly Hall
- B & K Tannery
- Bear River Memorial
- Beehive House
- Bennion Mill
- Big Mountain
- Bill & Vieve Gore
- Birch Springs Post
- Blacksmith Shop
- Bluffdale
- Brigadier General Thomas Kane (4) Markers
- Brigham Young Bust
- Brigham Young Monument
- Brigham Young Statue (4) Markers
- Brigham Young’s Forest Farmhouse
- Brigham Young’s Garden Wall
- Brigham Young’s Office
- Brighton
- Brinton’s Blacksmith Shop
- Calder’s Park
- Camp Grant Monument
- Camp Tracy
- Canyon Industries
- Carpenter’s Shop
- Cathedral of the Madeline
- Central Warehouse Building
- Charles Stillman Bridge
- Chase Mill
- Chief John Duncan
- Chief Wasatch
- Christmas Box Angel
- City & County Building Restoration
- Civil Engineering Landmark
- Civil War Monument
- Colonial House
- Commercial Street
- Congregation Montefiore Synagogue
- Connor Statue at Historic Park
- Converse Hall
- Converse Hall
- Cotten Park
- Cottonwood Paper Mill
- Council Hall
- Curtis Park
- D.A.R. Drinking Fountain
- Daniel Cowan Jackling (4) Markers
- David Keith Mansion
- David O. McKay
- David O. McKay Commencement Address
- Dawson House
- Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Station
- Devereaux House/ Wm Stains & Wm Jennings (2)
- Donner Hill
- Donner Hill Post
- Donner Trail
- Dr. Don Lind
- Dr. Ellis Reynolds Shipp Park
- Dr. Walter P. Cottam
- Dudler’s Inn
- Dudler’s Wine Cellar
- Eagle Club Building
- Eagle Gate
- Early Granger Schools/Monroe School
- Early Magna Settlements
- Early Pioneer Mills
- Early Riverton & the Magnificent Dome Church
- Early Sandy Schools & Church Takes Root (2)
- Edward P. Hemsley/History of Brickyard (2)
- Emerson Carter
- Emigration Canyon Railroad
- Emmaville
- Emmeline Wells Bust
- English Fort
- Ensign Peak Monument (4) Markers
- Ensign Peak Nature Park (8) Markers
- Ensign Peak Trail Markers (3)
- Ferry Plaza
- Fire Fighters Monument
- Fire Station No. 8
- First Church of Christ, Scientist (2) Marker
- First Encampment Park
- First Millcreek Ward Chapel
- First Pioneer Company
- First Pioneer Fort in Valley PTLA #23
- First Playground
- First Presbyterian Church
- First Presbyterian Church & Westminster Col
- First Settlers of Holladay
- First Sunday School in the Rocky Mountains
- First University West of the Mississippi
- First Utah Pioneer Cemetery (Outside S.L.)
- Fort Douglas
- Fort Douglas
- Fort Douglas
- Fort Douglas Cemetery
- Fort Herriman
- Fortunato Anselmo House
- Foster Hall
- Founders of Greek Orthodox Community of Utah
- Frank E. Moss United States Courthouse
- Freedom Trail Monuments
- Fur Trappers and Traders
- Gardner Hall
- Gardner Mill
- Gardner Monument (4) Markers
- Gardner’s Saw Mill
- Gentsch-Thompson House
- George Q. Cannon
- George Thomas Building
- German POW Memorial
- Golden Pass Rd./Brigham Young Industrial C.
- Graduate School Hall of Fame
- Granger Settlement
- Granite Settlement
- Granite Settlement
- Grave of Brigham Young
- Graystone Manor
- Great Salt Lake Base and Meridian
- Great Salt Lake Base and Meridian Monument
- Gymnasium and Library
- Handcart Companies
- Handcart Pioneer Monument
- Henderson Block
- Henry J. Wheeler Farm
- Herald Building
- Herman L. Franks
- Hewlett & Hughes Barber Shop
- Historic City Creek
- Historic Henderson House
- Historic Welby Train Station
- Historical Gardens
- Holladay’s 1848 Family Homesteads
- Holladay’s 1853 Fort
- Holladay’s First Church & School Bldg.
- Holladay’s First General Store
- Hollywood Apartments
- Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
- Home for Migrant Farm Workers
- Honoring M. Shields, Utah Rose Society
- Horticulture Building
- Hotel Utah
- Hub of South Cottonwood Community
- Hyrum Smith
- Hyrum Smith
- In Honor of S. L. County Sheriff’s Officers
- In Memory of Mrs. Otto A. Wiesley
- In Tribute to the Utah Pioneers
- Indian Wars 1862-1890
- Iron Workers Local Union #27
- James & Robert Dansie
- James D. & Louise C. Moyle
- James E. Talmage Building
- Jensen & Kuhre Hardward Store
- John A. Widtsoe Building
- John Benbow
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy (2) Markers
- John R. Park Building
- John Rockey Park Statue
- Jordan & Salt Lake City Canal
- Jordan High School
- Jordan Narrows
- Joseph and Emma Smith
- Joseph F. Steenblik Park
- Joseph Smith
- Jusin Edward Tawfer
- Kanyon Creek Mill
- Karrick Building (Leyson-Pearsall Building)
- Kearns – St. Ann’s Orphanage
- Keith M. Engar
- Ken Price Park
- Kimball-Whitney Cemetery
- L.D.S. Tenth Ward Square
- Ladies’ Literary Club Building
- Lamb’s Canyon
- Last Camp Post
- Last Camp Site
- Law Enforcement Display
- Legacy of the Black Pioneer
- Leroy E. Cowles Building
- Lest we Forget
- Lewis S. & Theresa B. Hills House
- Liberty Bell Tower (3) Markers
- Liberty Park
- Lincoln Arms Apartments
- Lion House
- Little Mountain Summit
- Living Immigrant Pioneers (2) Markers
- Lone Cedar Tree
- Look Who’s Cooking!
- Henry and Earlinn Barratt Swenson
- Magna Community Baptist Church
- Map of Holladay Historical Markers
- Martha Hughes Cannon
- Martha Hughes Cannon Sculpture
- Mary Fielding Smith House
- Mary Jane Dilworth
- Massasoit
- Maurice Warshaw (bust & marker)
- Max Poliner Dry Goods Store
- McCune Mansion (2)
- McIntyre Building
- Medal of Honor Recipients
- Memorial House
- Midvale City Hall
- Milo Andrus Home
- Mingo Smelter
- Modern Irrigation
- Mormon Battalion Monument
- Mormon Battalion Monument (2) Markers
- Mormon Flats
- Mormon Meteor III
- Mormon Pioneer Trail
- Mormon Tabernacle Choir
- Mt. Dell Station Post
- Murray Smelting
- Musical and Literary Programs
- Nauvoo Bell Tower & Relief Society Memorial
- Neff Station and Halfway House (2) Markers
- Neilson’s Corner
- Nelly Jack Park
- No Doubt an Archaeological Dig!
- North Jordan Canal
- Old City Hall
- Old Fort
- Old Meeting House – Draper Fort
- Old Schoolhouse
- Old This is the Place Monument
- Original Cemetery Gate
- Original Ensign Peak Marker
- Original Salt Lake City & County Building
- Ottinger Hall
- Park (Rio Grande) Hotel
- Parley’s Canyon Pioneer Industries
- Patrick Edward Connor
- Peace Child of Hirosima, Statue & (2) Marker
- Peery Hotel
- Philo T. Farnsworth (4) Markers
- Pioneer Camping Grounds
- Pioneer Craftsmen
- Pioneer Flour Mill Site
- Pioneer Home
- Pioneer Log Home
- Pioneer Memorial Monument/All is Well (4)
- Pioneer Memorial Museum (2) Markers
- Pioneer Rock Church
- Pioneer Silk Industry
- Pioneer Telegraph
- Pleasant Green Pioneers & Veterans
- Pleasant Green Ward
- Pony Express
- Pony Express (2) Markers
- Pony Express Medallion
- Pony Express Station
- Pratt’s Pass
- Reginald “Reg” White Harness Shop
- Relief Society Granary
- Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood Mon.
- Richard K. A. Kletting
- Richard K. A. Kletting Park
- Richard W. Young Bust
- Richmond Park
- Riverton House
- Riverton Tithing Yard
- Rock Wall
- Rockwell Station
- Rocky Mountain Juniper
- Rowland Hall-St. Mark’s School
- Cottonwood Camp/Relief Society Granary
- Salt Lake & Utah RR/Utah Idaho Sugar Factory
- Salt Lake City and County Building
- Salt Lake City and County Building (2)
- Salt Lake City Public Library
- Salt Lake Orpheum Theatre
- Salt Lake Stock & Mining Exchange Building
- Salt Lake Temple
- Samuel Jewkes/Henry Draper Home
- Sandstone Wall & Aquaduct
- Sandy City Bank
- Sandy Community Memorial
- Sandy Post Office
- Sandy-Alta Railroad
- Sarah Melissa Granger Kimball Marker
- Saramarie J. Van Dyke Carriage House
- Schools
- Sea Gull Monument
- Simon Bamberger Bust
- Simon Bamberger House
- Sisters of the Holy Cross
- Social Dancing
- Social Hall
- Sons of American Revolution (2) Markers
- South Cottonwood Campground
- South Jordan Settlement
- Squatter’s Fireplace
- St. Joer/Orr Cabin
- St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral
- St. Mark’s/Westminster School of Nursing
- Stairs Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Sugar House Monument/Pioneer Industry
- Suicide Rock & The Reservoir
- Sydney W. Engleman
- Taylorsville Flagpole and plaque
- Taylorsville/ Bennion Pioneers
- The 1847 Dugouts
- The 18th Ward Chapel
- The Amussen Building
- The Bee-Hive House
- The Blind Miner/Big Cottonwood Mining (2)
- The Brady House
- The Centennial Trekkers
- The Constitution Revered
- The Crismon Mill
- The David Eccles Story
- The Drowne Log Cabin
- The Expansion of 1849
- The First Statewide Pioneer Day Celebration
- The Golden Pass Road & Tollhouse
- The Golden Pass Road – Parley’s Canyon
- The International Peace Gardens
- The Irving/Steadman House
- The Kennedy Ditch
- The Knudsen Flour Mill (2) Markers
- The Law, Government, Liberty and The Way
- The Lower Canal
- The Mayor’s House, Midvale
- The Old Rock Granary
- The Orson Albert Johnson Cabin
- The Overland Stage
- The Railroad
- The Salt Lake Theatre
- The Social Hall
- The Social Hall
- The Tabernacle
- The Testimony of Three Witnesses
- The Tithing Yard
- The Town of Bingham Canyon
- This is the Place Monument
- Thomas Kearns Mansion and Carriage House
- Thomas L. Kane and the Mormons
- Toronto Cave
- Transcontinental Railroad
- Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Church
- Trolley Square
- Trolley Square Photo Wall
- Trolley Square Yesterday…Today
- Twentieth Ward School
- Twin Cabins
- U.S. Post Office and Courthouse
- U.S.S. Utah Bell and Plaque
- Unca Sam Bust
- Union Cemetery
- Union Fort
- Union Pacific Locomotive 833
- United States Meridian Base 1869
- Uriah Nephi Smart Tannery
- Utah and the Civil War (4) Markers
- Utah Chapter D.A.R. Organized
- Utah Heritage Foundation honors Gastronomy
- Utah Heritage Trees
- Utah Newspaper Hall of Fame (59) Markers
- Utah Peace Officers Memorial (3) Markers
- Utah Penitentiary (2) Markers
- Utah Pioneers of 1847
- Utah Sons of American Revolution Organized
- Utah State Capitol – Martha Hughes Cannon
- Utah’s First Fort/Pioneer Women/Children (3)
- Utah’s First Theater
- Varsity Theater
- Walker Brothers Bank
- Warm Springs (2) Markers
- Wasatch Mountain Club Lodge
- Wasatch Springs Plunge
- Welby
- Welcome to Temple Granite Quarry Trail
- West Jordan
- West Jordan Industry
- West Jordan Pioneer Church
- West Jordan Settlement
- Willard Richards
- William Clayton/Eliza Snow Monument (6) Mark
- William Stuart Brighton
- World War I Memorial
- World War II Memorial
- Z.C.M.I.
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- ZCMI Co-Op Building, Sandy Co-op (2)
San Juan:
- Alkali Ridge
- Chief Posey’s War
- Clay Hill Pass
- Clay Hill Pass
- Comb Ridge
- Edge of the Cedars Historical Monument
- Four Corners Monument & Marker
- Historic La Sal Post Office
- Hovenweep National Monument
- Monticello Pioneers
- Newspaper Rock
- Oljato Trading Post
- Pioneer Trail
- Settlement of Blanding
- Stephen Tyne Mather
- The San Juan Mission
- The Spanish Trail
- Verdure
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- Big Fort
- Centerfield
- City Hall
- Dover Cemetery
- Ephraim Carnegie Library
- Ephraim Pioneer Cemetery
- Ephraim Settlement
- First Coal Mine in Utah
- First Presbyterian Church of Manti
- First Public Buildings
- Fort Ephraim Peace Treaty
- Founders of Fairview
- Fountain Green
- Funk’s Lake
- Gunnison Pioneers
- Hub City
- Indian Massacre
- Indian Massacre
- John E. Warner
- Last Peace Treaty
- LDS Meeting House
- Lewis Lund
- Manti Bell Tower
- Manti Carnegie Library
- Manti City Hall
- Manti Pioneers
- Mayfield Centennial Marker
- Mill Stones
- Moroni Fort and Bastion
- Mt. Pleasant Fort
- Pioneer Memorial Cabin
- Pioneer Monument
- Settlement of Fairview
- Snow Academy Building
- Spring City
- Spring City Pioneer Cemetery
- Spring Town
- Sterling
- The John Patton House (2) Markers
- The Liberal Hall
- The Manti Temple
- The Old Fort
- Time Capsule Monument
- Uinta Springs Settlement
- Victory Bell Monument
- Warm Creek-Fayette
- William Stuart Seeley House
- William Thorpe
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- Academy Hall
- Battle of Cedar Ridge
- Camp Alma Relic Hall
- CCC Camp F-32, Co.-479
- Crosby Presbyterian Church and School
- Elsinore Pioneers
- Elsinore White Rock Church
- Fort Alma
- Fort Omni – Richfield
- Fremont Indian State Park
- Glenwood United Order
- Indian Peace Treaty/Cedar Grove
- Koosharem Amusement Hall
- Monroe Pioneers/Old Fort
- Monroe Town Bell
- Old Rock Church
- Outbreak of Black Hawk War
- Peace Treaty with Fish Lake Indians
- Pioneer Cemetery
- Pioneers, Settlers of Grass Valley
- Redmond Pioneers
- Redmond Town Hall (2) Markers
- Redmond Town Hall Monument
- Richfield Carnegie Library
- Richfield Pioneers
- Richfield Presbyterian Church
- Salina Fort & Tithing Office
- Town of Joseph & Pioneer Log Cabin
- Trader and Explorer Trails
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- “Ten O’Clock Whistle” and Old Public Library
- Anderson Apartments
- Bogan Boarding House
- Camp Clayton Marker
- Car 19
- City Hall (2) Markers
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Highway
- Echo Grist Mill
- Egyptian Theater
- Elks Lodge
- Erika Hess/ Wilheim “Willy” Schaeffler (2) M
- Fort Sage Bottom
- Francis Settlement
- Frank Andrew Building
- Giacoma Building (2) Markers
- Grappa Restaurant Building
- Hulbert’s Drugs
- Indian Trail
- John C. Green Jr.
- John Lambert, First House in Kamas
- Marsac Elementary (3) Markers
- Masonic Hall
- Mini park plaques
- Mormon Pioneer Trail & Pony Express
- Mormon Pioneer Trail/Pioneer Fortifications
- Old Rock Schoolhouse
- Park City Community Church
- Park City L.D.S. Meeting House
- Park City Miners Hospital
- Park City Pioneers
- Pioneer Cabin
- Pioneer Fort and Gristmill
- Pioneer Trail
- Pratt’s Pass Post
- Rhoades Valley Fort, on Relic Hall
- Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Office
- Rodney W. Schreurs Centennial Park
- S.W. Corner of Wyoming Territory Mon.
- Seth K. “Red” Droubay
- Snyderville Pioneer Cemetery
- St. Luke’s Episcopalian Church (2) Markers
- St. Mary’s of the Assumption (3) Markers
- Star Market & Grocery
- Summit County Courthouse and Jail
- Summit County Sheriff’s Office
- The Alamo
- The Bardsley Building
- The Claimjumper Hotel
- The Club
- The Echo Canyon Breastworks
- The First National Bank
- The Frankel Building
- The Mortuary
- The Oak Saloon
- The Park Record
- Utah Coal & Lumber
- Wanship Station
- War Veterans Memorial Building
- Washington School (3) Markers
- Weber Canyon Explorers Trail
- Adobe Rock
- Ajax Store
- Alvin Anderson Cabin
- Aunt Libby’s Dog Cemetery
- Bennion Mountain Home
- Black Rock Pony Express Station
- Black Rock Resort
- Bonneville Salt Flats
- Bonneville Salt Flats International Speedway
- Buffalo Park
- Burnt Station Pony Express
- CCC Camp
- Cedar Mountains Wild Horse Range
- Clover & St. Johns Wards
- Clover Springs
- Concrete Pony Express markers
- Deep Creek Pony Express Station
- Donner-Reed Memorial Museum & Early Bldgs.
- Ray Staley at Lookout Pass
- E.T. Benson Grist Mill
- Early Settlers of Tooele County
- Faust Pony Express Station (2) Markers
- First Continental Telephone Line
- Garfield & Lake Point Resorts
- Gold Hill
- Grantsville Fort
- Hilda Anderson Erickson Pioneer Monument
- History of the Pony Express
- Iosepa Historical Memorial (3) Markers
- Iosepa Settlement Cemetery
- Iosepa Town History
- Lincoln Highway Concrete marker
- Lookout Pass (2) Markers
- Lookout Point
- Old Tooele Ward Church (2) Markers
- Pioneer City Hall
- Pioneer Log Cabin
- Pony Express Sign at Lookout Pass
- Riverbed Station
- Rock Monument (Ophir Mail Drop)
- Round Station
- Rush Valley Pony Express Station (2) Markers
- Salt Flats Ahead
- Simpson Springs Pony Express & Stage (3) Mar
- Simpson Springs Pony Express (5) Markers
- Steptoe’s Military Camp, Godbe’s Smelter
- Stockton (3) Markers
- Tooele County Courthouse and City Hall
- Tooele County Pioneers
- Tooele County’s First Pioneer Settlers
- Tooele Valley Railroad Complex
- Tooele’s First Cemetery
- Tree of Life
- Twenty Wells (Grantsville) Early Immigrants
- War Monument (3) Markers
- Carter Military Road Markers
- Desolation Canyon
- Dominguez Escalante Trail Marker
- Escalante Crossed Here
- Escalante Expedition
- Escalante/Unfounded Suspicions
- First Log House
- Fort Ashley Center
- Fort Duchesne
- Fort Robidoux
- Fort Thornburgh
- Fort Thornburgh
- Jensen (Mau-be) Ferry
- Josie Bassett Morris (3) Markers
- LaPoint Post Office
- Little Brush Creek Petroglyphs
- Musket Shot Springs Byway
- Old Ashley Post Office (2) Markers
- Old Jensen School
- Parcel Post Bank (2) Markers
- Pottery Shop
- Reed Trading Post
- Reynold’s Flour Mill
- St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
- Uintah Stake Tabernacle
- Uintah Stake Tithing Office (2) Markers
- Valentine Rock
- White River Drowning Victims
- “G” Its Meaning
- O. Smoot Building Memorial
- Alpine
- Alpine City Hall
- Alpine Pioneer Relic Hall
- American Fork Presbyterian Church
- Anderson Park Marker
- Andrew Carnegie Library
- Battle Creek Marker
- Birdseye Marble Quarry
- Black Hawk – Ute Indian Chief
- Brigham Young Academy
- Brigham Young Statue
- Camp Floyd
- Camp Floyd Cemetery
- Camp Floyd, Pony Express, Journalism (3)
- City Hall
- Col. Phillip St. George Cooke
- Dan Jones, Missionary
- Discover Park
- Dominguez-Escalante/ Dominguez Hill
- Dominguez/Escalante (2) Markers
- Edwin Whiting Pioneer
- Elberta
- Escalante
- Escalante
- Escalante Trail
- Fairfield District School
- Fairfield Stage Coach Inn
- First Free Public School (2) Markers
- First Mills in Utah County
- First Orem Chapel
- First Public Building
- First Relief Society Hall
- First Settlement of Icelanders of US
- First Tabernacle
- Fort Markers
- Fort Mountainville
- Fort Palmyra 1852
- Fort Pond Tree
- Fort Utah
- Fort Wall & Lehi Pioneers (4) Markers
- Fort Wall of American Fork
- Free Masons
- Given Family Massacre
- Granite Stone from Nauvoo Temple
- Honoring David O. McKay, Bennion, etc…
- In Memory of Dr. Barney Clark
- Indian War Memorial
- Karl G. Maeser Statue
- Keele Monument
- Lake Shore Fort
- Lehi Chapel
- Lehi Memorial Building
- Lehi Memorial Building Veterans (7) Markers
- Lehi Pioneer Cemetery
- Lehi Pioneers
- Lehi Ward Cornerstone
- Leland Historical Monument
- Little Diamond Battle Monument (2)
- Lush Valley of the Timpanogotzis
- Maeser School
- Massasoit Statue
- Nelson Granary
- Old Academy
- Old Fort
- Old Pleasant Grove Fort
- Old Pleasant Grove Fort Northeast Corner
- Old Pleasant Grove Fort Northwest Corner
- Old Pleasant Grove Fort Southwest Corner
- Old Tabernacle Lintel Stone
- Our Pioneers
- Payson’s Pioneer Industries
- Pioneer Cemetery
- Pioneer Cemetery
- Pioneer Cemetery (3) Markers
- Pioneer Flour Mill
- Pioneer Relic Hall
- Pleasant Grove Town Hall
- Pleasant Valley Junction
- Pond Town Fort
- Pony Express BLM Kiosk
- Pony Express Trail Marker
- Provo Bandstand
- Provo Burial Grounds
- Provo City Veterans Memorial (5) Markers
- Provo Woolen Mills
- Provo’s Liberty Bell
- Rec. Center for the Utah State Hospital
- S.U.P. Bell
- Salem School Bell
- Salem’s First Post Office
- Santaquin
- Saw and Grist Mills
- Settlement of Provo
- Site of First LDS Meeting House
- Site of Two Alpine Churches
- Southern Utah Valley
- Spanish Explorers
- Spanish Fork Grist Mills
- Spanish Fork Indian Farm
- Spring Lake Villa
- Springville High School Art Gallery
- Springville Presbyterian Church
- Springville’s First Camp Site
- Stage Coach Inn/Camp Floyd State Park (2)
- Startup Candy Factory
- Superintendant’s Residence-Utah State Hospit
- The American Family
- The Kelly Ranch
- The Knight Block
- The Old Red Schoolhouse (2) Markers
- The Pioneer Mother
- The Provo Tabernacle
- The Walker War
- Thistle Slide
- USS Harder Monument
- Utah Lake Resorts
- Utah’s First Indian Battle
- Veteran’s Memorial
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- Abram Hatch Home
- Charleston Pioneers
- Cordelia Wilson Monument
- Fort Wallsburg
- Good Trout in Abundance, Escalante
- Henry Coleman, First Grave
- Indian Peace Treaty
- Masashi Coto Aviator
- Midway Fort
- Midway Social Hall
- Midway Town Hall
- Pioneer Cemetery
- Pioneer Cemetery
- Pioneer Lime Kiln
- Soldier Summit
- The Old Fort
- Wasatch Stake Tabernacle
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- “Utah’s Dixie”/ The Granary (2) Markers
- A.P. Windsor II Memorial Cemetery
- Adair Spring
- Albert E. Miller-Dr. Pike Home
- And the Desert Shall Blossom
- Bradshaw House/Hotel
- Brigham Young Winter Home
- Cable Mountain
- Catholic Pioneers (3) Markers
- Covington Mansion (3) Markers
- Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum
- Discovery of Zion Canyon
- Dixie Academy
- Dixie Peddler Wagons
- Dominguez/Escalante San Daniel Camp
- Dominguez/Escalante Trail Markers (2)
- Dominguez/Escalante Trail Posts (3)
- Early Day Wood Beam Walking Hand Plow
- Enterprise
- Enterprise Pioneer Park
- Erastus Snow’s Big House
- Flanigan Square
- Fort Harmony
- Founders of Dixie Jr. College
- Gardner’s Club
- Gardner’s Club Hall
- Grain Reaper
- Harrisburg Residents (2) Markers (DUP & SUP)
- Hebron: Pioneer Settlement on Shoal Creek
- Heritage Home and Pioneer Corner
- Heritage Park
- Historic Kolob Mountain
- Historic Pine Valley Mountain
- Homeward Bound/Escalante Expedition
- Hurricane Canal
- Hurricane High School
- Hurricane Library/City Hall
- Hurricane Pioneers
- Isom Granary Home
- Judd Store
- LaVerkin Canal
- LaVerkin Pioneers
- Leeds CCC Camp
- Logging in Zion National Park
- Lucy Bigelow Young
- Many Came by Handcart
- Military Training Camp Site
- Mountain Meadow Memorial (5) Panels
- Mountain Meadows Historic Sites View Finder
- Mountain Meadows Trail & Camp
- Nancy Ferguson Ott
- New Harmony
- Old Fort Pierce
- Orson Pratt House
- Pine Valley
- Pine Valley Chapel & Tithing Office
- Pinto
- Pioneer Cotton Mills
- Pioneer Courthouse
- Pioneer Doctor’s Office
- Pioneer Gratitude
- Pioneer Gratitude
- Pioneer Gratitude Statue (4) Markers
- Pioneer Gratitude, I Can Do It
- Pioneer Hay Barn. Manger and Corral
- Pioneer Honeymoon; Temple Trails
- Pioneer Museum
- Pioneer-Washington County-Courthouse (2)
- Relief Society Building Built 1857
- Rockville Bridge (2) Markers
- Santa Clara Heritage Monument
- Santa Clara Relief Society Hall
- See Mollie’s Nipple “It’s a Butte!”
- Short Cut/Jefferson Hunt (2) markers
- Silver Reef (4)
- Smith Mesa
- St. George Opera House
- St. George Social Hall – “Opera House”
- St. George Tabernacle
- St. George Temple
- Stanworth Home
- Sugarbeet Reaper
- Survival in Utah’s Dixie
- Swiss Colony
- Tabernacle
- The Birth of Hurricane
- The Dixie Pioneers
- The Gardner House
- The Hardy House
- The Jail House
- The Old Spanish Trail and California Road
- The Roads to Utah’s Dixie
- The Sandstone Building
- The Stone Quarries
- Toquerville
- Toquerville Jail Rock
- Veterans Memorial
- Washington Cotton Factory
- Wells Fargo & Company Express Building
- William Haynes (Gunlock) Hamblin
- Winter Home of Brigham Young
- Woodward School
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- Allred Point Pioneers
- Behunin Cabin
- Caineville
- First Public Building
- First Wayne Stake Tithing Office (2) markers
- Fremont Park
- Fruita Schoolhouse
- Historic Fruita
- Images in Stone
- Loa
- Tarleton Lewis
- The First Grave
- The First Sawmill
- Thurber Relief Society Hall (4) Markers
- Torrey Log School and Church
- ZCMI Co-Op Building
- Aldous First Home
- B’Rith Shalem Synagogue
- Belmont Building
- Bertha Eccles Community Art Center (2) Mark
- Bigelow/Ben Lomond Hotel
- Bingham’s Fort
- Browning Aparments
- Christopher “Kit” Carson
- Creston Hotel, Grand Pacific Restaurant
- Davenport Saloon
- Dennis A. Smyth House
- Don Maguire Duplex
- El Monte Clubhouse
- Elmhurst Apartments
- Episcopal Church of Good Shepherd (2) Marker
- Farr’s Fort
- First House in Hooper
- First Post Office in Roy
- First Toll Gate in Ogden Canyon
- Fort Buena Ventura
- Fountain
- George Edward Wahlen Monuments (2)
- Gustav Becker Home
- Henry Aldous Dixon Drive
- Hooper Flag Pole
- Huntsville
- In Memory of Ogden Police Officers
- Indian Trails (3) Markers
- James Brown’s Purchase (2) Markers
- James Hale Homestead
- Jedediah Strong Smith
- Jefferson Hunt
- John C. Fremont
- John Henry Weber
- John Moses Browning Home
- Liberty
- London Ice Cream Parlor
- Lorin Farr
- Lorin Farr (2) Markers
- Lower 25th Street Historic District
- Madison Elementary School
- Madison Lodge
- Malan Heights
- Marion (Milner) Hotel (2) Markers
- Martin Henderson Harris
- Mary Heathman Smith
- Mary Jane Hammond, First Teacher
- Miles Goodyear Cabin
- Miles Goodyear Cabin
- Mother Teresa Monument
- Muskrat Springs-Hooper
- New Brigham Hotel (2) Markers
- Nicholas Building
- North Ogden
- Ogden City Wall/Golden Spike (2) Markers
- Ogden High School
- Ogden Municipal Building
- Old Mill
- Peter Skeen Ogden
- Peter Skene Ogden
- Peter Skene Ogden Statue
- Pierre-Jean De Smet
- Pioneer Cabin
- Pioneer Fire Station
- Pioneer Tabernacle
- Pleasant Green Taylor
- Porter Block
- Revell (Hillcrest) Apartments (2) Markers
- Richard & Ann Slater Pioneers
- Settlement of Lynn
- Site of Mound Fort
- Stage Coach Station
- Stake Relief Society Hall (2) Markers
- Stone Columns
- Ten Commandments
- The “Flaming” W/ Mt. Ogden Hike (2) Markers
- The First Hundred Years…
- The James O. Stephens Building
- The Solomon C. Stephens Building
- The Union Restaurant & Switch Euro. Lodgings
- Thomas D. Dee Memorial Hospital (2) Markers
- Thomas Dee Home
- U.S. Forest Service Building
- Watkins Grocery and Cranshaw Photograph
- Weber Club Building
- Weber County Infirmary